
Results 9 comments of darksider3

Pls use a default configuration format... YAML is good one, or just a simple INI or JSON. But please, please, a default one. Isssue 73: What means "Improved error messages",...

Hey. Sorry for the long time I didn't answer again. What I meant is: What is, in your opinion, usefull? I.e.: "Link X can't be set up because of wrong...

Hey, just started Hacking on. How about adding errno from the built-in Python lib to match the Errno-codes as a "dependency"? (E.g) ``` python import errno try: ... Linking stuff...

Hm, yeah. Strerror should be enough :-) Im pretty sure that I don't like it. But that was the example how the entire "improvement" would look like. For sure I...

- independent Language(In Linux it was possible to change error-locales provided by the kernel/Bash by installing locales wasn't it?) +Portability(as Windows 10 looks like giving an interface to ELF in...

@phodge Wouldn't a ``` ... try: os.rename(tmp, dest_path) except OSError as e: import errno if e.errno == errno.EXDEV: import shutils shutil.move(tmp, dest_path) ``` do the trick in line 344? I...

As far as i know, is get noticed by Senpai is still a good thing! (y)

> I can add a `dv.require()` which just eval's code for you (the downside to this being it won't recognize JS modules/require statements properly), which should work across platforms. The...

Got the same issue, persisting through reboots, without anything special in the logs... Looking for a way to start that over from scratch to reproduce Removing everything from the system...