Javier Darkona
Javier Darkona
Could use a couple plus signs, or hearts, to add more than one meaning to a single icon
Add a blacklist the user can edit to allow or disallow items to be cycled through the cycle tool function of backpacks.
https://github.com/Tiviacz1337/Travelers-Backpack/blob/ba2a5206e3eddb5ed4c7557a301709dcae516eff/src/main/java/com/tiviacz/travelersbackpack/config/TravelersBackpackConfig.java#L182C26-L182C33 Instructions for list of items should indicate the names need to be between quotes, because the underlying parser (https://github.com/TheElectronWill/night-config/blob/master/toml/src/main/java/com/electronwill/nightconfig/toml/ValueParser.java) will look for them for strings.
When extinguishing the campfire or removing it, restore the spawn point to the previous one, or to the player's bed. This could be configurable: - With setting previous respawn point,...