Results 17 comments of Coop

As a fallback, you can use the .gitattributes override feature in individual repos: e.g. `*.coco linguist-language=python` (note: the highlighting may not show up until the next commit after you...

Hindley-Milner comments would be cool to have too: ```js // capitalize :: String -> String const capitalize = function(s) { return toUpperCase(head(s)) + toLowerCase(tail(s)); } ```

I am also running into this too. I would also like to ouput a single css file containing all the css in the .svelte files style tags.

Unfortunately Roffline doesn't really support downloading multiples images in a text post. If it were multiple images in a reddit/imgur gallery and wasnt a text post then it would be...

I'm also running in to this. Heres a repo for reproducing: Also referenced here:

I get the same issue. Running eslint v8.32.0 with eslint-plugin-ava v14.0.0