Darius Matulionis
Darius Matulionis
Looks like something is wrong with your `resources/views/index.blade.php` - https://github.com/DarkaOnLine/L5-Swagger/blob/master/resources/views/index.blade.php Can you check if it is published correctly and you don't see any syntax error in file?
We require ` "swagger-api/swagger-ui": "^3.0"` in our composer.json. You can try to use older version of this in your composer - assuming swagger-ui have a bug in their release :(
Have you checked [refs](https://github.com/zircote/swagger-php/tree/master/Examples/using-refs)? Maybe this can work
Have you tried `persist_authorization` option: https://github.com/DarkaOnLine/L5-Swagger/blob/master/config/l5-swagger.php#L277
As this package is only the wrapper around Swagger PHP, all the examples can be found here https://github.com/zircote/swagger-php/tree/master/Examples/petstore-3.0 We also have a wiki where everyone can collaborate and put articles/etc:...
How about at first trying to answer those raised issues/questions, putting answers to the wiki so we could collect answers to common questions?
Are you talking about API endpoints in spec which you want to hide? If yes the first through which comes into my mind would be to move these endpoints annotations...
Have some kind of provider/helper which returns array of paths and call it in config? This is assuming you generate json file always or specifically for/on production 🤓
PR is always welcome. Without data, I can not even try to reproduce this problem.
What kind of error :)