Same f...g libsodium error here, I am stuck for 2 days now :-(
This is a real problem on low end computers like Raspberry Pi, 9 times out of 10 it can't find my Apple TV.
Same problem, I guess the problem would be solved if the Apple TV was found, please add a retry function to the Apple TV discovery.
I would love that feature too!
Same issue here, sending sleep command to TV won't turn off the TV. It does with the TV remote.
Hi, thank you for your answer. Sorry I was mistaken and gave the Home Assistant version number instead of the node-red one. I am using node-red addon for Home Assistant...
OK I'll give a try, thank you!
Hi, I have an Apple TV 4K running tvOS 16 public Beta 2 and Homeassistant 2022.7.0 rc the integration is working well except that once the Apple TV is sent...
That would be awesome, thank you again for your great work ! My plan is to share an IKEV2 VPN connection through a Wifi access point.
Thank you for your answer, I2C bus was set to 1, the AS3935 is detected with i2cdetect -y 1 in position 3 What do you mean by enable the I2C...