Danny Engelman

Results 16 comments of Danny Engelman

@b-fuze , I presume you also didn't do https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/NodeIterator ? TreeWalker is the faster way to walk the DOM, NodeIterator only slightly slower Traversing is SLOW https://www.measurethat.net/Benchmarks/Show/5581/2/traverse-function-vs-nodeiterator-vs-treewalker#latest_results_block ![](https://i.imgur.com/wereF6b.png)

Yes, I do those edits trial and error by hand Does SVGO recalculate paths? **showing path length** FYI, I hook into your path textarea to display the path length (knowing...

Interested here in Amsterdam as well... I guess every developer is into card games now :-/

The ``connectedCallback`` runs for every (re)placement in the DOM https://jsfiddle.net/WebComponents/mc1o94kw/ ``` customElements.define('my-element', class extends HTMLElement { connectedCallback() { this.innerHTML += "Click me!"; this.onclick = (evt) => document.body.append(this); } }); ```

If the element is in shadow DOM, then the creator of the element is responsible for providing values to a Form (or anything outside the element's shadowDOM) * **https://web.dev/more-capable-form-controls/** *...

Had to fix this on a SharePoint 2013 env. just now. (not an IFrame) I patched hopscotch.js line 1354 to not scroll on the body but the main DIV //jQuery('body,...

Alas, I copied your code, and set my sitename and token (let me know a private email address and I can send them) Chromium: ![](https://i.imgur.com/PPrioFU.png) Firefox: ![](https://i.imgur.com/NkbiOH1.png)

Yes, I won't be using the token on a public site. I have a dashboard for our sites, would also like to monitor site traffic ![](https://i.imgur.com/Yp7zfJgm.png) Noot: By Roads Technology...

Dunno if it is your latest API changes, I now get other errors: ![](https://i.imgur.com/w4Qh996.png)

I can not replicate it on a subsite in my own language. Do you have more info? Can you replicate the error on other sites?