
Results 10 comments of DanitiKain

Downgrade or install different drop down terminal seems to be only option. Really sucks when you have mouse set to activate on hover. Just keeps popping a terminal on ever...

https://github.com/olav-st/screencloud/issues/325 I am getting something similar but looks like its failing in a different location if I am looking at it right.

another reason is these extensions are no longer being maintained as the firefox multi-account containers is coming close to replacing them so its only natural to add their features in.

I am having this problem as well. Any chance of working on this one? I commented out everything that was Mac related still seams slower.

I got the same errors as this last post. Following to see the response given. /home/thechosenone/.zsh_functions:90: defining function based on alias `procs_for_path' /home/thechosenone/.zsh_functions:90: parse error near `()' adding the functions...

I am not having this problem. I just use Ctrl-Alt-T

How do you change the default bindings of krohnkite. I had a lot of the default was in use by other items. Example: Meta+D = Show Desktop, Meta+i = Launch...

I don't know how to code but IMO with privacy becoming more widly sought after it could be very helpful.

That's why something like this should be installed on an isolated device.