Dani Biró

Results 6 comments of Dani Biró

Yeah, I need to repair the build script which I had for Deno. Until then you can import the latest version using ESM CDNs like Skypack. ```js import { md5...

You found a nice trick for escaping from the CSP rules. :) Could you tell me more about your use case? Why do they have this CSP in place? I...

Your hex editor is very cool. :) I heard about this practice of ISPs with HTTP websites, but I thought it isn't working anymore with HTTPS websites. As far as...

To increase security, I think the best way is to overwrite each API call you don't use: fetch(), XMLHttpRequest(), Worker(), eval(), DOM API etc. But I think extensions can still...

Now it should be possible to import it directly: `import {md5} from "npm:hash-wasm";`

Implementing alternative ways of loading binaries would increase the complexity of the library and I want to avoid that. Cloudflare and Vercel requires a non-standard way of loading WASM binaries....