Daniele Rosada
Daniele Rosada
I'm trying to import momentjs library. When I use moment().format(), the library pass this to next function, but this is the object of JS-Interpreter and not momentjs. This is my...
Good morning, I have a problem with router, I don't know wich child route is navigating, because isNavigating only changes in appRoute. I can't use a spinner in the right...
Hi, I have a problem with navigationStrategy. I load only the first time moduleId, then when I change the route the moduleId remains the same even if the route #has...
Good morning, I am using powerful routing, to rebuild the status after refreshing the page. But I can't access the parameter :IdRiferimento from the father and therefore I don't know...
import * as icons from '@aurelia-ux/icons/sets/full-array.min.json'; aurelia.use.plugin(PLATFORM.moduleName('@aurelia-ux/icons'), { icons }) This is my main.ts. I ran the instructions found in https://aurelia.io/blog/2020/03/02/aurelia-release-notes-march-2020/ Could anyone help me? Do I need to import...