Yes, I will test it and tell you if it is working now, Thanks!
@netpyoung I'm trying test it, I just replaced macOS folder of plugins folder, but I am getting this error message when building: ``` Plugin 'sqlcipher.bundle' is used from several locations:...
Hey netpyyoung, I already tried it, and I am getting now this error: ``` Building /home/user/Downloads/game/mac/game.app/Contents/Frameworks/libmonobdwgc-2.0.dylib failed with output: The properties of source file /home/user/Unity/Hub/Editor/2021.2.0f1/Editor/Data/PlaybackEngines/MacStandaloneSupport/Variations/macos_x64ARM64_player_nondevelopment_mono/UnityPlayer.app/Contents/Frameworks/libmonobdwgc-2.0.dylib could not be retrieved: No...
Well, I have fixed it simply enabling "Load on startup" for these libraries: SqlCipher4Unity3D/Plugins/x64/libcrypto SqlCipher4Unity3D/Plugins/x64/libsqlcipher
Yes, We are thinking about to use GPT-3 or GShard, and open source code and models is really important for us.
I have the same problem. It is working with the old version of cordova-music-controls-plugin https://github.com/amitkhare/cordova-music-controls-plugin But it doesn't work with the current cordova-music-controls-plugin, showing a lot of errors like this...
I am having the same error with RPI4 (4 Gb RAM), Any tip? thanks!