Daniel Rogozin
Daniel Rogozin
@TGOlson Do I understand correctly that `createTransaction` should be a kind of generalization of `createSimpleTransaction`?
I've found the following TODO in comments: `createTransaction :: [Crypto.KeyPair] -> [(Crypto.PublicKey, Int)] -> Int -> Blockchain.Blockchain Blockchain.Validated -> Either CreateTransactionException Blockchain.Transaction createTransaction _srcs _targets _fee _blockchain = undefined` What...
@TGOlson what is type of the return value: something like `IO (Either CreateTransactionException Blockchain.Transaction)` too?
@TGOlson I suppose that the signature should look approximately as follows `createTransaction :: [Crypto.KeyPair] -> [(Crypto.PublicKey, Word.Word)] -> [Word.Word] -> Blockchain.Blockchain Blockchain.Validated -> IO (Either CreateTransactionException Blockchain.Transaction) -- ^ the...