Daniel Ramos

Results 23 comments of Daniel Ramos

Any updates on this? I want to test the new features in Node.js 8 too 😄

Didn't know about that DLL, I'll try it when I arrive home

I managed to get it working! It's the same that with the GPU, the DLL has to be in the CWD.

Could you pull and try again plase @enteryournamehere , @kekkokk?

I've added some log, can you share the output?

@enteryournamehere That's an error that happens sometimes to me... Can you try changing the color with Aura software, and then execute the script again?

I've no idea 😢. Sorry but I don't have that keyboard to test...

Hello @CodeF0x! Sorry for the late response, but I've been busy these days. That's because the SDK is not able to find any lights controller from the motherboard. Right now...

Hey @SauceCodeFr. right now Asus has has released version 3 of the SDK as you might have read in the fourm. Right now I'm investigating the best approach to write...

Thanks for your help @SauceCodeFr! Tomorrow I'm going to upload some new code in a branch. I'm going to send you an email to sync up. Thanks!