Daniel Muller
Daniel Muller
I have the same problem. Octopus 0.9.2 and AR 4.0.0
Yes, the event is a real one. I just changed some of the values for privacy reasons. I attached a lambda to Cognito's custom message trigger and did a `console.log(event)`...
I was able to get almost all of the payloads, except for "UpdateUserAttribute". My Cognito setup is to use _email_ as _username_, email, phone_number, given_name, family_name are mandatory fields. _usernameParameter_...
I had the same issue. I solved it the dirty way by adding https://github.com/LongTengDao/original-fs `npm i --save original-fs`
Since my initial PR, it seems that Microsoft has changed the way they request for number matching. The number is now prompted in the UI and needs to be entered...
The captions are taken from a sibling of the img tag: [pswp.js#16](https://github.com/DanielMuller/koken-plugin-photoswipe/blob/master/src/pswp.js#L16) So I guess, you added your caption div inside the image link, similar to this? ``` #{{ tag.title...
Looks like this would need a code enhancement. Caption is taken from the original DOM, looking for an element with class `item-caption` (https://github.com/DanielMuller/koken-plugin-photoswipe/blob/master/src/pswp.js#L16). Your theme (Axis 2 ?) is displaying...
You need to fork the repo to your own account. Make the necessary changes. Push the changes to your forked repo. And then create a new pull request to ask...
sorry, I somehow missed this thread. I never used videos with Koken, so I never bothered to try to have them work. I did a quick inspect on the source...