Daniel McAssey
Daniel McAssey
Just had a look, need a few more changes to the type generation, theres an issue with inferring types. Not sure why the auto directory is still there though
Issue with typescript on generating types that override the constructor, https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/pull/53266
@saghul seems to fix the constructor typescript generate problem, we need to upgrade typescript 1 major version to at least 5.1.3 (The first version to include that fix). Ideally to...
@saghul Ready for review! Had to fix a weird issue with the build, which requires overriding the rollup command https://github.com/vitejs/vite/issues/15167 You can see it in the package.json, sorry for such...
> Impressive work, thank you! > > Quick question before I dive deeper: can't we do something to avoid those weird inline imports in the JSdocs? Not that I could...
Fair enough. I saw your PR, want me to update this one? ill update it to remove the import statements, but keep the fixed types, then move it to the...
@saghul I've just pushed an update, it removes the import statements, but still fixes the types and keeps it in the types folder. Fingers crossed it will be easier for...
Unfortunately, I tried removing the roll-up hack (Blegh 🤢) hoping that the npm issue had been fixed, but it hasnt. I have re-added just so this builds successfully.
Passed on Jenkins, Added the type line back back
Essentially yeah, so you can have a BrowserWindow with different WebContents (Tabs), in addition capturing the WebContents also removes the Window Frame