Daniel Schmidt

Results 142 comments of Daniel Schmidt

> Were the synth benchmarks for locally generated providers? Would be interesting to compare with the published bindings. Locally, I haven't tested pre-built yet, but I think we need to....

@jsteinich here is the performance analysis I did over our examples and e2e examples: [CDKTF Provider bindings profiling.pdf](https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk/files/9634426/CDKTF.Provider.bindings_.Namespaced.resources.-.Sheet1.pdf) Besides this we also see these other improvements - python code completion...

RE Add doc string for each of the namespaces with a link to the TF docs: The docs are only picked up if you put them into a README.md in...

The plan is in the TFC run above, but we could make this clearer that we don't intend to show it in the CLI

@mabead would a hosted version of convert be a stepping stone to a proper solution or not help at all? Like a text area to past your code to and...

Prebuilt providers would help here, created https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform-cdk/issues/1482 to track this

Could you provide a snippet of your code as an example so that we can reproduce it?

@teodoradra This is expected. Terraform functions return a token value (this extremely bug negative number). They are translated to `${parseint("123456", 10)}` in the terraform JSON and then run at execution...

It would be great if you could build a small example so we can debug this further. I am not sure what exactly happens here on the not-cdktf side that...

Hey folks, sorry for taking so long, but I have found the problem. During synth your program transforms the number to a sting with Gson. After that CDKTF runs through...