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Number attributes not synthed as references
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cdktf & Language Versions
com.hashicorp:cdktf:0.9.0 "aws@~> 3.0" OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_312-b10)
Affected Resource(s)
https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/aws/r/memorydb_cluster https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/aws/r/db_instance
Debug Output
Expected Behavior
should synthesize to Terraform reference instead of number:
"value": "${aws_memorydb_cluster.cluster_9AC9C0F1.cluster_endpoint.0.port}"
This workaround can achieve the above:
Actual Behavior
synthesizes to:
"value": "-8.109562212591454E298"
Steps to Reproduce
I assume this happens for any provider when trying to synth number types.
Important Factoids
This seems to be a regression as I found #679 that was supposedly fixed in 0.6.0.
- #0000
I just did a simple test in typescript and everything was working correctly. I wouldn't expect any issues in Java, but perhaps some more details on the code involved would shed some light.
It looks like you are using the 0.9.0 version of the cdktf library; are you also using version 0.9.0 of the cli? Are you just passing the port directly from the cluster to the db instance, or is there something else happening?
Could you provide a snippet of your code as an example so that we can reproduce it?
Not really sure if this is relevant or even related to this issue but when searching this was the closest we could find.
com.hashicorp:cdktf:0.12.0 "akamai/akamai@~> 2.1.1" OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM Corretto- (build 17.0.3+6-LTS)
We actually had this issue with the Java version. We are trying to create a Akamai cpCode and use its generated id in a later stage.
The cpCodeId is a string of pattern "cpc_123456"
and we need to extract the number part as an actual numeric value.
We can use the Fn.trimprefix
function to get the string representation of the cpCodeId (so "cpc_123456"
becomes "123456"
) but when trying to parse it to a number we always get the same value -8.109562212591454E298
. That actually happens with any number we try to parse.
var shouldBeNumber1 = Fn.parseint("123456", 10); // becomes -8.109562212591454E298
var shouldBeNumber2 = Fn.tonumber("123456"); // becomes -8.109562212591454E298
var shouldBeNumber3 = Fn.parseint(Fn.trimprefix(relevant-TfToken, "cpc_"), 10); // becomes -8.109562212591454E298
var shouldBeNumber4 = Fn.tonumber(Fn.trimprefix(relevant-TfToken, "cpc_")); // becomes -8.109562212591454E298
@teodoradra This is expected. Terraform functions return a token value (this extremely bug negative number). They are translated to ${parseint("123456", 10)}
in the terraform JSON and then run at execution time.
You can read more about Tokens here.
@DanielMSchmidt thank you for your quick response!
But the thing that we keep seeing it that, after planning and running the changes we still have the exact same value if we try to convert the string to a number. If we leave it as a string (which we anyway trim using trimprefix
and that works just fine) we can see the actual value in Terraform Cloud as it should be (meaning, the actual value not the negative float), so we are encountering a problem only when trying convert the string to number (using Fn.tonumber
or Fn.parseint
). And on our provider side we see the exact same thing (negative number) after running and applying the plan. This is what we get on the Terraform Cloud side when we try to convert the string that we trimmed (using functions as well) to a number:
id : -8.109562212591383e+298
and this is what we get when we just trim it and don't convert to a number:
id : "1376863"
So what is unclear to me is why when I use Fn.trimprefix(code.getId(), "cpc_")
I get the right value, and if I use Fn.parseInt("1376863",10)
I get that negative number on the Terraform Cloud side. If I got it wrong, please let me know, I will revisit this problem that we have. Thank you!
Hello, I am a teammate of Teodora and there are some things that are still a bit unclear to me.
It seems to me that the problem is that we have to provide a String representation of the rules
but that is a complex object that we are creating as POJOs and then serialising (with either jackson or gson, I tried both).
I created this simplified code snippet to illustrate the situation
public record TestingThing(Number id, String someOtherProperty) {}
final var testingThing = new TestingThing(
Fn.tonumber(Fn.trimprefix("cpc_123456", "cpc_")),
Fn.trimprefix("cpc_123456", "cpc_"));
.count(Fn.tonumber(Fn.trimprefix("cpc_123456", "cpc_"))) // expects a Number
.rules(new Gson().toJson(testingThing)) // expects a String
After runnig synth on that this is the output.
"count": "${tonumber(trimprefix(\"cpc_123456\", \"cpc_\"))}",
"rules": "{\"id\":-8.109562212591386E298,\"someOtherProperty\":\"${trimprefix(\"cpc_123456\", \"cpc_\")}\"}"
And that value of id
is never converted to the proper terraform token. The most weird thing to me is that the trimprefix
worked as expected, even after serialising the object and running the synth, but the tonumber
show two different behaviours.
It would be great if you could build a small example so we can debug this further. I am not sure what exactly happens here on the not-cdktf side that could influence the result, but it could also be a cdktf problem directly. I see you put the tokens into a class and serialize it out of that. If e.g. a number to string conversion appears outside of the cdktf context it can be that the token value itself is destroyed, e.g. by an accidental rounding
Hello. I have created this repo to show the error happening. Hope that makes things more clear.
All you have to do is clone, then run the test class. It should print the synthesized string with the error. As you said, this really looks like a rounding error when the serialisation of the java class into json happens.
Hey folks, sorry for taking so long, but I have found the problem.
During synth your program transforms the number to a sting with Gson. After that CDKTF runs through all the numbers it knows of and translates them to terraform expressions if applicable. But your number is not a number anymore, it's a string now so we dont catch it. To solve this issue right now you can use Fn.jsonencode(testingResource)
and it works.
The bigger question here is, can we make your current example work. I think we possibly can try to find things that look like numbers in all strings and see if they are known to us. For that we would need to check if a tokenized number can collide with another tokenized number if serialized to string. If we are sure this can not happen we can then search through every string for something that looks like a serialized number and replace this with the TF expression needed. The serialization format could vary between languages though, JS uses e+
instead of E
like Java for example. It could also be a custom serialization engine being used. So I guess it's hard to get right all the time, but getting it right most of the time and never getting it wrong would be sufficient I think