Freeman Liu
Freeman Liu
v2.6.8 some problem ``` # telepresence status Root Daemon: Running Version : v2.6.8 (api 3) DNS : Remote IP : Exclude suffixes: [.arpa .com .io .net .org .ru] Include...
Dubbo 实现非阻塞这个应该是 Dubbo 开发人员需要做的工作, 将 Dubbo 非阻塞整合进 Spring Cloud, SCA 也要做工作, 而且这个工作量会特别大
Spring Cloud 是一个微服务框架, 而微服务所定义的通信方式是 Http, 想要整合 Dubbo 在 RPC 上的优势和 Spring Cloud 的生态, 很难做到完美的契合, 也不是标准的体现
LGTM, please resolve conflict.
Can you give a demo to reproduce it ?
1. I remember `namespace` should be the namespace id ? 2. `bootstrap.yml` was loaded before `application.yml`, so you can't get `` when `bootstrap.yml` was loading.
Is there any updates for this proposal?
I think it is possible to support both 2021.x and 2022.x branches.
This module has the same purpose as `Spring Cloud Kubernetes Config`, to provide Kubernetes ConfigMap/Secret as a remote configuration with the ability to be dynamically refreshed. But one major difference...