Daniel Goldfarb
Daniel Goldfarb
Currently working on an enhancement to allow you to modify the y-axis tick positions in `mpf.plot()`. It may be some time until complete, however in the meantime, as a workaround...
This can be done using some matplotlib and mplfinance tricks. Here is an example script that uses a data file that you can find in the [examples/data](https://github.com/matplotlib/mplfinance/tree/master/examples/data) folder: ```python import...
Pavel, Thanks for your interest in mpflinance. You've done a great job creating a style that looks a lot like IBD style. It would be wonderful if you would submit...
There are two ways to get volume onto the same chart or panel as the ohlc or candle chart: 1. As you tried, use external axes mode. The issue is,...
Just logging a reference example here should we decide to implement the multi-level or grouped axis labels: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/19184484/how-to-add-group-labels-for-bar-charts-in-matplotlib
fyi, **`style='ibd'`** is now available as an mplfiance style, in version >= 0.12.7a7, as defined in the [style dict posted above](https://github.com/matplotlib/mplfinance/issues/316#issuecomment-766309780). ``` pip install --upgrade mplfinance ```
You are not doing anything wrong. This has to do with **`zorder`** as you noted [over here](https://github.com/matplotlib/mplfinance/issues/311#issuecomment-802000570). Until `zorder` is implemented, you can try two things: 1. Plot your markers...
This is not directly available right now, but is definitely on the list of things to do. In the meantime you may try `returnfig=True` and see if there is a...
How to add Horizontal Line in make_addplot? make_addplot(rsi,panel='lower',color='g',hlines=[20,80])
`hlines` is a kwarg to `mpf.plot()` ( _not_ to `mplf.make_addplot()`) Presently all of the lines kwargs (`hlines`,`vlines`, `tlines`, `alines`) assume the main panel axes. I was thinking to add a...
How to add Horizontal Line in make_addplot? make_addplot(rsi,panel='lower',color='g',hlines=[20,80])
Nice chart! Thanks for sharing!