When using colorama in a non-interactive terminal (e.g. stdout being piped to file) on Linux, colorama.init() is hooking into sys.stdout, resulting in occasional strange results. Looking at the documentation, there...
Oasis converts blank entries in the OED portfolio to the OED-specified default, where one exists. However, for ConstructionCode, it is incorrectly inserting a value of 0. The OED specification (v1.1.2,...
OasisLMF does not verify that summary IDs given in the analysis settings file are unique, and it is difficult to diagnose failures due to this. Through human error, I'd created...
During the lookup stage, `OasisLookupFactory.save_results` gets a generator yielding individual lookup results from the lookup as they become available, suggesting the intention is that the results are processed in a...
Pandas' [sparse data structures](https://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/user_guide/sparse.html) are another handy-looking memory saving trick that fits with the theme of dtype_diet. It'd be nice if the tool considered it as an option. The simple...
On our Jenkins server, we occasionally encounter problems when the plugin's call to `git reset --hard ` fails because the base commit is unavailable (usually indicating user error, i.e. that...