I hope you have already passed an exam and can now relax maybe try this: *UNTESTED* !!! ``` // The loadByName function with the revised sorting function void loadByName(std::string listName)...
BACKUP: start sdr++, close sdr++, look for all file in the root directory, sort files by date, backup all files RESTORE: copy all the files from your backup back to...
Dont need it... look for the file in the root directory: frequency_manager_config.json then use a converter:
I do this: ``` @echo off set "sourceDir=C:\PATH-TO\sdrpp_windows_x64" set "backupDir=C:\PATH-TO\sdrpp_windows_x64\backup-json-%DATE%-%TIME:~0,2%-%TIME:~3,2%-%TIME:~6,2%" set "programm=C:\PATH-TO\sdrpp_windows_x64\sdrpp.exe" rem Create a Backupfolder if not exist "%backupDir%" ( mkdir "%backupDir%" ) rem Copy all json Files to...
> I was able to compile it using the workaround mentioned here: [antirez/dump1090#142 (comment)]( > In my case, I had to edit the file `/usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/pkgconfig/librtlsdr.pc` On my RPI3 i must...