Ethercard uses direct Register access on the AVR, which won't work on ARM. a simple ( or simplistic ) way of looking at it is to make sure reads, writes...
The errors you get (" error: 'SPCR' was not declared in this scope ") are because the Ethercard library uses AVR SPI registers directly and not the [Arduino SPI library](https://www.arduino.cc/en/Reference/SPI),...
That would probably solve some misconcptions. I might have to take on porting this to be compatible with the arduino Zero at some point - if we take on a...
MQTT would make it a bit simpler to parse tracker information when rolling your own tracking server or getting data into other systems ( setting up a MQTT server is...
it looks like the Arduino.org group have edited their GSM library to work on the Zero ( samd arch ) they are still using SoftwareSerial and seemt o have changed...
you could look at services like Jasper wireles or telit - They are "international network providers They are a bit more expensive than regular operators but have the same APN...