@maggu2810 Is it broken by https://github.com/openhab/openhab-webui/commit/1a36cd49150eb262c2d05f1b41b94f13af34e161 Should we modify in bundles/org.openhab.ui.basic/src/main/resources/web/roboto.css all "fonts/" to "/habpanel/fonts/roboto/" or should Robot-Regular be bundled in basicui?
Can someone else tell me if there is an architecture rule to bundle font with basic-ui or should I modify it to get it from habpanel?
> Basic UI cannot "reference" habpanel, they are 2 different and independent UIs. Technical we can reference it... So we have to add roboto font from habpanel https://github.com/openhab/openhab-webui/tree/main/bundles/org.openhab.ui.habpanel/web/fonts/roboto to basicui?...
> Can you propose the change after testing it? Which one? Referencing Roboto Font from habpanel?
Sorry, I give up... I don't understand the build system and directories. In https://github.com/openhab/openhab-webui/blob/main/bundles/org.openhab.ui.basic/gulpfile.js#L19 you try to source some Roboto-Medium Fonts. But I didn't found the node_modules directory :-( Or...
I have a similar problem. With Firefox and activated "media.peerconnection.ice.relay_only" it's working fine. If I just allow 53,80,443 it's not working with Chrome. Tested with my own (2.5.4) system and...
Why is this issue still open? bot closed it in 2022.
@thomasschaeferm Thanks for this hint. Filtering AAA with unbound can be configured with ``` module-config: "respip iterator" response-ip: ::/0 redirect ``` Can we close this FR?
>that is true that an icon is missing in the classic iconset. One should be added. @lolodomo Should I open a new issue for icon? This issue has been closed....
Hier mal ein Codebeispiel ~~~LaTeX \documentclass[backaddress=false,11pt,a4paper]{scrlttr2} \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage{textcomp} \usepackage{rechnung} \usepackage{eurosym} \setkomavar{subject}{Rechnung Nr.: XX-XX} \parindent0pt \usepackage{color,calc,ngerman,mathptmx} \setkomavar{firsthead}{\null\hfill \parbox[t][\headheight][t]{6cm}{% \raggedright \color[gray]{.5}% Muster GbR\\[\baselineskip] }% } \begin{document} \begin{letter}{Kunde\\ 03000 Kundenstadt} \opening{Sehr geehrter...