It looks like fbdev mode not working was due to this issue, which has now been fixed: http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/dri-devel/2015-October/093190.html ("ast driver doesn't initialize smem_len") It would still be nice to get...
Wait, this kernel is probably just plain too old to even be vulnerable. I'll have to see if there's a version that *is* vulnerable, and maybe take the topic to...
Even with the Android 12 update applied, it's still on 5.4, so it may be best to just close this as invalid/infeasible. I hope I can find some other exploit...
For my uses (a customized version of mocha-junit-reporter to fix bugs with suite nesting), and when I tried using the jest-junit parser out of curiosity, it died with the same...
I tried making a copy of the mocha json reporter, and fixing it to use one json file per test file... but the result in this test-reporter action was the...
PiHole can use the mac address that dnsmasq stuffs into an EDNS option, via the `add-mac` config option, so AGH could likely do the same thing.
Looks like F20 is hardcoded to be mic mute in Gnome: https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=54171 Should those two keys be bound to XF86KbdBrightnessDown / XF86KbdBrightnessUp, or would that be undesirable (due to affecting...
> @DanaGoyette in [#18 (comment)](https://github.com/geerlingguy/raspberry-pi-pcie-devices/issues/18#issuecomment-955112870) you mentioned "my SAS2008 died" did you flash it to IT mode? I had the 2008 in IT mode, but after I used it in...
That exe file link is _completely_ dead now.
This one isn't actually a high priority for me, since I haven't really spent the time to decide on a domain name I'd even want to pay some provider for.