Dan Stevens
Dan Stevens
I would like a way to skip including a file that has already been included like that of [`include_once` in PHP](https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.include-once.php). ## Proposal I would propose a new directive `include_once`...
There's no mention which version of PHP this targets in [README.md](https://github.com/endel/js2php/blob/master/README.md#features). Is it version 7.3, 7.2, 5.6? Is there a way to control which version of PHP is targeted?
I am working with a WSDL that has a self-signed certificate. If I attempt to add the WSDL for this service, I get the following error: > error adding wsdl...
I get the following error message when attempting to add a WSDL: > error adding wsdl - Metadata contains a reference that cannot be resolved: 'https://cx.rightnow.com/cgi-bin/onvz.cfg/services/soap?xsd=objects'. - https://cx.rightnow.com/cgi-bin/onvz.cfg/services/soap?wsdl=typed
Can I make a suggestion of a new command called 'Insert Template into current file' or something equivalent. It should do what it says: insert the contents of a template...
Corrected return type for `getProperties()`, `getConstants()` and `ge…tMethods()` methods of the `Class` class as actual implementation returned keyed object rather than array. [Issue #27](https://github.com/glayzzle/php-reflection/issues/27)
The [`getMethods` function of the `Class`](https://github.com/glayzzle/php-reflection/blob/c21cf902b7d3fd033bffdecebf01f953cfff6373/src/nodes/class.js#L117) class returns an `Object` rather than an array of `Method` objects, as the name suggests. This also contradicts the type defined for this method...