I really appropriate the effort you have put into making such a fully featured wallet. Adding output descriptor with the format ```wsh(multi(2,xpub1/*,xpub2/*,xpub3/*))#checksum``` gets translated into ```wsh(sortedmulti(2,Keystore1,KeyStore2,Keystore3))``` which doesn't find any...
I just boosted my first note by mistake! What if I accidentally boosted or liked something that I really didn't want to show my support for? Two competing proposals: 1....
I'm running yg-privacyehhanced.py (v0.9.8) connected to a daemon running on a separate VM. Every time an order gets filled (or at least 'filling order' appears in the console) the following...
see commit messages for more details
**test**: Send > Scan QR **expected behaviour:** prompt to allow access to camera, select 'allow', image from camera displays to scan QR code. **actual behaviour**: black screen with 'Paste Something'...
so that the event can be used as a source of truth for the state of refs such as branches and tags. this could be useful as: 1. a way...
by correcting the event format passed to nostr-tool's matchFilter the dexie cache adaptor applies some simple filtering for efficiency reasons before using nostr-tool's matchFilter to apply the full NIP-01 ruleset...
so that, optionally, only events from important subscriptions are retained in the cache to keep it lean and mean, like a venison steak