
Results 56 comments of DanCardin

I agree, I think this fixed the not showing up at all bit. And I figured out how to easily repro the "bug" where it stays: My leader is ``,...

I wrote `sauce` in rust precisely because I dont feel like I understand shell code well enough to write it in bash, so it's not entirely obvious to me what...

I have a simple/sample implementation of "on enter" functionality. This is very straightforward, and uses essentially identical semantics to normal cascade behavior. It's when thinking about the "on exit" behavior...

Support for nushell seems like it's blocked on a number of things: * They don't have `eval` (or their `source` command isn't yet flexible enough): https://github.com/nushell/nushell/issues/2812 This is pretty much...

Yea I was aware of this, I use it for pane position swapping. But for movement, i have mapped to the same split/motion mappings I use in vim (and it's...

For the shapes I typically use (vertical split, and one horizontal split on one side), nightly definitely addresses my problem, thanks for the super quick turnaround! But I figured I'd...

Can confirm, in the most recent nightly everything appears to work as expected! Cheers!

I'm currently also hitting this. I feel like it has something to do with how the subnet you're using is configured. The subnet I'm creating them in is not set...

My experience is that twitter will absolutely return the url as `null` in json, which translates to `result.url` being `None`. For...reasons, we do our own polling loop which checks the...

@seanpdwyer7 It varies pretty wildly. I think we have a hard cap at 10 mins and have seen it timeout (more, more recently) a number of times. But sometimes it's...