socialcalc copied to clipboard
SocialCalc for Socialtext
Hello again. I wonder if this project does support the following features: undo redo cut copy paste save/export new close open zoom Thanks in advance for either. Bye, Ivano.
Hello there. My name is Ivano Arrighetta and I'm Italian. I wonder if SocialCalc supports the following features: undo/redo load/save html save select/cut/copy/paste(row/column/cell) find/replace format automatic numbering of elements formatting...
@ramezrafla wrote: > I think we no longer need to keep that long license message > at top of files or logo bottom right. All the license links mention >...
Greetings, when I use the format [hh]:[mm] with the number 7:42 for example the cell look like: [hh]:42. Also when I subtract two times for example 7:00-8:00 it shows only...
Google Chrome 9 changed the definition to window.focus to be a boolean - here's the fix. :-)
int() serves to round down, but there doesn't appear to be a comparable function to round up. "-int(-)" can accomplish this, but is fairly un-intuitive.
I am unable to reference cells from other sheets in this simple system for editing ( ="testsheet"!C5 throws error "Sheet Unavailable".