Hello, Here is a piece of code that can be helpfull function to get the serial #define EMONTX_PORT Serial boolean input_get(JsonDocument &data) { boolean gotLine = false; boolean gotData =...
@1technophile Florian, I am currently trying to copy/adapt the RS232 template. Not yet succeeded
Hereby my implementation : The RS232 works fine at 9600baud from Arduino Nano to Gateway. All messages captured, super reliable. I have not tried to do the MQTT to Arduino...
Hi all, One month after,the gateway is very reliable . Thank you so much Florian (@1technophile ) for this fabulous job. The can probably do a PR for the next...
same issue
Ciao Silvio Dan here. Your project is so elegant and very powerful. I have one question regarding the encoder. You have not included a debouncing hardware (i.e., C10nF and R10KO)...