
Results 39 comments of Dan

Hi Rob, Go to Options > Station Handling > Station extensions and increase the number of extensions. Each increase of one adds 8 stations. There is no limit to the...

Multiple controllers could be Raspberry Pis connected together or running independently. SIP is pretty flexible in how things can be configured. There is also the possibility of developing a plugin...

Take a look at the mobile app plugin (mobile_app.py in the SIP/plugins folder). It is enabled by default and provides access to SIP's setting using json. It has the Access-Control-Allow-Origin:...

OK, I should have pointed you to the GET command reference: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wiki/Dan-in-CA/SIP/SIP_GET_commands.pdf For example to show station status you would use # 2. Get station bits You can check all...

As far as the password is concerned you can disable / enable the password under Oprions > Manage Passphrase. Currently SIP is set to have the passphrase disabled by default....

I would need more information about your configuration. Such as are you using a relay board? Be sure the Options > station handling > active low relay box is not...

The only missing features I can think of are git and the optional pigpio library. It you are running SIP under Python3 you will also need to install the Python...

Hi Neil, If you are using only 5 relays you can use either the relay_board or relay_16 plugin and connect the relays directly to the Pi. In SIP go to...

In your browser enter the IP address of your Raspberry Pi. Should be something like 192.168.1.xx with the xx part replaced with the correct numbers. If you don't know the...