
Results 10 issues of ddd

Please look at this https://codesandbox.io/s/1more-forked-h62tl I copy it here ```javascript import { html, render } from "1more"; import { box, read } from "1more/box"; let activeRoute = box("/"); render( html`test-1...

I am doing this in browser ```javascript import {html,render,component,key,useUnmount,invalidate,createContext,addContext,useContext} from 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/1more/dist/index.min.js'; import {box, read, subscribe, write, useSubscription, usePropSubscription} from 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/1more/dist/box.min.js'; ``` Error: `Uncaught SyntaxError: import not found: subscribe`

For example: ``` class Person name: String, age: Int32 end tpl = "Hello {{name}}. You're {{age}} years old." p = Person.new("Foo", 24) Crustache.render Crustache.parse(tpl), p ``` > Hello Foo. You're...

``` js_code = Unhandled exception: No match key:state (Nodejs::CrystalSideException) ```


Template: ```html Oreo ``` Rendered: ```html Oreo ``` It makes the text show on another line which is not aligned with the fontawesome icon.


```html test ``` render result, class is empty: ```html test ``` Modify to this: ```html test ``` the result is rendered ok: ```html test ```


When compiling the client ``` client.request(headers) do |headers, body| ^------ Error: instantiating 'Duo::Client#request(HTTP::Headers)' In lib/duo/src/duo/client.cr:57:36 57 | stream = @connection.streams.create ^----- Error: instantiating 'Duo::Streams#create()' In lib/duo/src/duo/streams.cr:47:24 47 | def create(state...

Thanks for this useful shard. I have a question: ```crystal Schedule.every(1.minutes) do count = 1 foo = get_true_or_false if foo Schedule.every(:day) do bar end end Schedule.stop if foo end ```...

Hi @ts-thomas, I have this template ```javascript const tpl_form_signin = Mikado.compile(`{{#this.state.error}}`); const view = new Mikado(tpl_form_signin); view.mount(document.getElementById('view-signin')).render(undefined, {"error":"Fake test!"}); ``` Error: `TypeError: can't access property "mount", this.inc[0] is undefined` If...

Let's say now I have only 1000 elements, I choose `hash_num = 4` to have `false positive = 2%` (just an assume number). Later I add more 1000 elements, can...