when I use the command "grabseqs sra -l PRJDB5400", I have some errors. pigz not found, using gzip Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/tools/anaconda3/bin/grabseqs", line 8, in sys.exit(main()) File...
Hi~,I have some problem~ 1../argoap_pipeline_stageone_version2.3 -i /home/bioinfo/sunyy/work/CRC/WGS/PRJEB27928/input -o /home/bioinfo/sunyy/work/CRC/WGS/PRJEB27928/11out -m /home/bioinfo/sunyy/work/CRC/WGS/PRJEB27928/metadata.txt -n 8 In this stage,"[WARNING] Indexing parameters (-k, -w or -H) overridden by parameters used in the prebuilt index."...
Sorry, I couldn't open the online URL. http://smile.hku.hk/SARGs
No pdf file is generated when I run with example 1. args_oap stage_one -i /home/bioinfo/sunyy/work/ARG/test/example/input -o /home/bioinfo/sunyy/work/ARG/test/example/1 -f fa -t 8 2. args_oap stage_two -i /home/bioinfo/sunyy/work/ARG/test/example/1 -t 8 and the...
”F:\CRC\GMMs-1.0.7\GMMs-1.0.7>java -jar gmms.jar JarClassLoader: Warning: Null manifest from input stream associated with: lib/jdmp-0.1.1.jar JarClassLoader: Warning: Null manifest from input stream associated with: lib/aspectjweaver-1.6.12.jar JarClassLoader: Warning: Null manifest from input stream...