Damian Ruczynski
Damian Ruczynski
Hi @Sapython, would you like to prepare dosc for angular fire messaging for angular fire 7+ and firebase 9+, because there are no updated documentation for messaging?
Hi, when the docs will be updated? Is there anyone who can share how to correctyle use messaging with angular fire?
thank you but is it still compatible with angular v14 and firebase 9?
@Tucaen are you using angular fire 7+:?
thank you :) thats look good i've got stuck on getting token while i've got an error that service messaging is unavailable but maybe it is because i did not...
maybe try to recieve message apart from constructor? I have created methods like getToken or recieveMessage and used them int providers with APP_INITIALAZER in app.module.ts and useFactory where i call...