Dalmiro Granas
Dalmiro Granas
| Octopus Issue | Octoposh code line | | ------------- | ------------------ | | [3835](https://github.com/OctopusDeploy/Issues/issues/3835) | [CodeLine](https://github.com/Dalmirog/OctoPosh/blob/master/Octoposh/Model/OutputConverter.cs#L79) | | | | | | |
Version: `0.6.11` `Get-OctopusMachine -CommunicationStyle ListeningTentacle` did not return any results.
Report from @sc1ent in [Gitter](https://gitter.im/Dalmirog/OctoPosh?at=596d3cd40de4d2545e395d5c) ``` Hi Dalmiro, look like Update-OctopusResource no longer supports the -Force option in v0.6.9 (after port from 0.5.1). This makes it difficult to execute this...
Specifically for `Get-OctopusRelease` and `Get-OctopusDeployment`
``` C:\Tools> Install-OctopusTool The Octopus Tools folder has not been set yet. Run [Get-help Set-OctopusToolsFolder] to learn how to do this Resolving latest version of the package [OctopusTools] in [https://packages.nuget.org/api/v2]...
When a user runs `Get-OctopusVariableSet -ProjectName MyProject` the cmdlet will only return the project's variable set, but not the values of the Library variable sets attached to the project. By...