
Results 13 issues of Daguerreo

Added comparison operators for DataType

**NodeGeometry.cpp line 359** ``` width = std::max(unsigned(_fontMetrics.width(name)), width); ``` is deprecated. Use `QFontMetrics::horizontalAdvance`.

Since in the project there are several classes, enum classes and so on, in the next release it would be helpful a forward declarations header, like ``.


This project looks very interesting, it's not maintained anymore?

This project seems quite interesting, should be useful an english translation for the project too.


Should be useful a more organized folder structure, categorizing files in folders and adding the example(s) to subfolders to the project and not separate project(s)

feature request

Default size seems to be ignored and docks placed always with the fair option. ``` KDDockWidgets::MainWindow m{"main_window", KDDockWidgets::MainWindowOption_None}; auto d1 = new KDDockWidgets::DockWidget("D1"); auto d2 = new KDDockWidgets::DockWidget("D2"); auto d3...

All the examples have these warnings in Qt6 but not in Qt5 ``` qrc:/modules/QMLTreeView/TreeView.qml:83:5: QML TreeViewItem: Binding loop detected for property "handleColor" qrc:/modules/QMLTreeView/TreeView.qml:83:5: QML TreeViewItem: Binding loop detected for property...


TreeModel supports only the DisplayMode role. Implement the support for the other roles, standard and custom. Could be nice adding an example using different roles.


Add unit tests for the `TreeModel`
