iOS 10.2,Get the app list an error as follows Error downloading file. /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/2.3.0/gems/plist4r-1.2.2/lib/plist4r/plist.rb:294:in `open': No filename specified (RuntimeError)
get_all_class_method -> get_all_class_methods
I compile code, and install deb file manually. Set proxy host(my mac) and port and select proxy , iPhone connect WIFI network. APPs connect server correctly but my burpsuite has...
Pixel2 8.0.0; frida-server 14.2.6 walleye:/data/local/tmp # ./frida-server-14.2.6-android-arm64 {"type":"error","description":"Error: Unable to determine ClassLinker field offsets","stack":"Error: Unable to determine ClassLinker field offsets\n at Fe (frida/node_modules/frida-java-bridge/lib/android.js:374:1)\n at frida/node_modules/frida-java-bridge/lib/memoize.js:4:1\n at Pe (frida/node_modules/frida-java-bridge/lib/android.js:184:1)\n at Re...
adeb shell readlink: illegal option -- f usage: readlink [-n] [file ...] readlink: illegal option -- f usage: readlink [-n] [file ...] /system/bin/sh: /data/androdeb/run: can't execute: Permission denied