Daan Rademaker
Daan Rademaker
Do you have a reproducible example (For example the Request model that is used in your factory)? So stricturl should actually produce a constrained value right? Simply adding the url...
I am having similar issues. @prakharg05 have you ever managed to find a solution?
+1 Also having this issue.
Is there any progress? Any direction where to look if I would like to contribute?
Thanks for the quick response. I send an email to the above mentioned email address!
Would using composites be a potential approach? https://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/14/orm/composites.html#sqlalchemy.orm.composite
If we want to keep the structype as some dict or json type only on the sqlalchemy side the approach I think it more trivial as the only thing that...
> It's a bit more complicated than that, unfortunately. I had a feeling that might be the case xD. Thank you for the extensive explanation. Learned a lot more of...
So I would like to give my 2 cents here. I am a bit hesitant to automatically add description based on docstring. What would happen for different docstring formats? Some...