Benjamin Schuster-Boeckler

Results 7 issues of Benjamin Schuster-Boeckler

I ran `MethylDackel mbias` on a WGBS file (mapped with and got: ``` >$ MethylDackel mbias -@ 4 -q 5 -r chr7 hg38.fa GSM4505863_md.bam GSM4505863_mbias_chr7 Suggested inclusion options: --OT...

I'm making a separate issue from #101 here since this is not a bug but a question, really: I have a directional library of ~140 bp reads after adapter and...

`MethylDackel extract --help` says: ``` --OT INT,INT,INT,INT Inclusion bounds for methylation calls from reads/pairs originating from the original top strand. Suggested values can be obtained from the MBias program. Each...

Hi Renaud, I'm trying to reproduce a clustering similar to the one described in [this paper]( I believe that the first part of their algorithm is identical to a `nmf`...

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** I'm trying to use our business Dropbox account to store folders that contain research analysis files. Working in biological data...


**Describe the bug** Dropbox recently changed how folders are organised for business accounts. The top-level directory in the dropbox root directory is not writeable to the user any more, but...
