Does the live mode need to be working in order for the tap tempo to work? I have defined tap event and start/MTC start but can't seem to get it...
Hey there, any update on the midi clock sync? I am wanting to use this feature with my hx stomp
Just adding to your request. More or larger screens would definitely be a huge benefit. Maybe an idea here? very low cost 8 way I2C expansion https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vV42fCpmCFg&ab_channel=DroneBotWorkshop https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000067621113.html?spm=a2g0o.store_pc_allProduct.8148356.2.545526f1iEurIi
I think it would be a great addition, the parts are so cheap that even 1 OLED per switch doesn't add much to the total project
Did you ever manage to get the multi displays working? Very interested. I'm also building one to use with an HX Stomp!
Oh no! That's so sad! Did you loose your instruments and pedals too?