@ViPErCZ Hi, Can you run the project sucessfully?I find the demo does not include files "Textures"
for example  
Thanks for your reply ,I have found from https://github.com/Tehsapper/graphics-engine
> Not completed.... getVertexNormal must be to int type... by call _out_data[gl_InvocationID].normal = getVertexNormal(gl_InvocationID); > > gl_InvocationID is int type > > terminate called after throwing an instance of 'Limitless::ms::material_compilation_error'...
I took a shortcut and deleted the tcs file,I built it sucessfully finally,and run the project normally
The video I take is https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1wF4m1g7Rf/?spm_id_from=333.999.0.0&vd_source=c190caf289a70529fcd37e9d7dadedaf
I want change it from glew to glad,and create a special effects library based on this