Diego Lima
Diego Lima
I thought it was a BUG, because in version 1.24.1 it creates the queue if it doesn't exist. Thanks
Where can I track the progress?
> > I have created a PR to fix the queue creation, Oddly enough when testing I noticed that running in test mode is working as well. @DRIMOL / @barn4k...
> Thanks to a quick review from @netroy it looks like the option to make the queue is there already under Add Option > Assert Queue. This should resolve the...
Acontece comigo tambem { "status": 500, "error": "Internal Server Error", "response": { "message": [ "Error updating profile name", "Error: myAppStateKey (\"AAAAADoC\") not present" ] } }
I've noticed this error since before version 1.0, I've even opened 5 topics about it and it never resolves https://community.n8n.io/t/wait-node-does-not-continue-after-65-seconds/32550/2 https://community.n8n.io/t/wait-does-not-continue-after-scheduling/30395/5 https://community.n8n.io/t/does-wait-occupy-position-in-webhook-or-worker/30195/6 https://community.n8n.io/t/flow-does-not-continue-after-wait/28629/19 https://community.n8n.io/t/flow-does-not-continue-after-wait-up/28790/4 I've even asked the question a...
Será que ainda vão resolver ? 😞
> This will be fixed very soon. I would like to add a bug that I noticed these days also about the rabbit If I inactivate or delete an n8n...
> > If I inactivate or delete an n8n flow where there is a rabbit trigger, the consumer is not automatically deleted > > When you deactivate the workflow, do...
I tried to catch the bug here, but it excluded the consumer, it could have happened because the queue had a stuck message, for example when "parse json" is marked...