Daniel Quomsieh
Daniel Quomsieh
Is anyone currently working on this?
If we are able to capture and store the ESC/POS data file (SPL file) asynchronously, can we not then interpret the byte code by following the command set for that...
I have written a simple script that is able to capture the SPL/SHD files for each print job on a windows machine, just whenever I try to fully interpret the...
I am simply decoding the binary data file and trying to translate the file to be able to extract the printed text. As I said, I was able to retrieve...
This is exactly what I did, I was able to decipher the initialize printer command: `1B 40`, generate pulse: `1B 70`, and several others that show up in a different...
I always assumed deciphering the commands in hexadecimal would be easier, if that's the case I will stick with ASCII. I will try tackling this this and implementing a way...
Viewing the file in vim or gedit does not give me the same results you are talking about, I had to pass the file through the `showkey -a` command to...