#1680299115 created. Thanks and Kind Regards, Diana, SAPUI5 Dispatcher
Hi @Frank683 , Now there's a backlog item created. According to its priority the colleagues will start implementing it. I could not manage to give you a deadline so stay...
Hello @ShivamGuptaSap & @Nef10, As of version 1.23 we'll introduce the following features (with [this pull request]( - now there's a possibility to have a focus over a disabled menu...
Hi @maddel, The request is now internally logged as BGSOFUIBALKAN-8194, and we'll promptly notify you once it's been addressed. Thanks & Regards, Diana
Hi @unazko, The request is now internally logged as BGSOFUIBALKAN-8195, and we'll promptly notify you once it's been addressed. Thanks & Regards, Diana
Hi @rv97 & @shubhamnazare, We're actively addressing your concern and will update you shortly. Thank you for your patience! Regards, Diana
Hi @rv97, We're currently working on fixing your issue and will keep you updated. Thank you for your patience! Regards, Diana
Hello @Lukas742, We'll start working on adding _accessibleNameRef_ while for _required_ there are internal discussions that are currently taking place. Regards, Diana
Hello @Lukas742, We implemented _accessibleNameRef_. The reason for the delay of this issue is because together with the design colleagues we are working on a potential redesign of the component's...
Hello @ddrana, @MarcusNotheis, @scameron & @sunnyyadav100, We'll work on providing a sample how a Split Button could open a Menu and since there's already [a sample how a Button opens...