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Results 17 navigation_layers issues
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i used this layer recently, when i read the codes, i found that touch(mx, my, &min_x_, &min_y_, &max_x_, &max_y_); appears several times, but i didn't figure out what it is...

@DLu In range_sensor_layer.cpp line 323 and 325, variable bx0, bx1, by0, by1 is force converted to **unsigned int** type from int. When those variable are negative, it will cause infinite...

Use a maximum, configurable, buffer size. The idea is that, for costmaps updating slower than incoming range messages, we still use only fresh information. With current implementation, the single buffer...

Is there an equivalent to the ObstacleLayer parameter "obstacle_range" in the RangeSensorLayer ? Maybe I did not see it. If not as I need the functionality, I may do a...

In my case, costmap update rate cannot cope with all the incoming readings, so buffer starts growing out of control. and so too old messages are processed after a while....

I've documented the issue on ROS answers: I forked this repo and added a patch for my needs:

I'm using the range sensor layer together with the voxel layer. After hacking around a bit, I wonder how to implement this. As far as I understand the currently implementing...