David V. Lu!!

Results 84 comments of David V. Lu!!

Unfortunately, we had to change the `control_msgs` API to get mobile manipulation to work, and [that change was only made in Galactic and later](https://github.com/ros-controls/control_msgs/pull/55)

Worth noting that this is not closed via #1254, but it is much more possible with it. For example, [`moveit_setup_controllers/launch/control.launch.py`](https://github.com/ros-planning/moveit2/blob/793374ab49009273a717914c8adba97fc06114c9/moveit_setup_assistant/moveit_setup_controllers/launch/control.launch.py#L19-L23) a version of MSA is launched with only the three...

@henningkayser In retrospect, that seems obvious. Thanks for the tip.



As mentioned in the maintainers meeting last week, I have some code that does this the MSA side. Currently both `fanuc` and `panda` have it as part of their moveit...

> Any time you're using ros2_control at all, that tag has to be in the URDF somewhere. Simulation or hardware What is the "fake" part then?

@JafarAbdi Do you think that https://github.com/ros-planning/moveit2/pull/1299 covers everything you wanted to do with this PR?

The launch files generated by MSA require use of [`moveit_configs_utils`](https://github.com/ros-planning/moveit2/tree/main/moveit_configs_utils) which has not been ported yet. See #1449 I started to do that port but I was distracted by porting...

> @DLu is there anything I can do to help? Not at this moment, but thanks