Damon-Lee Pointon

Results 21 issues of Damon-Lee Pointon

Adding nf-test tests and files Adding the option to also include a fai file. If this is not provided then pretext will generate one automatically. Closes #5123

update module
Ready for Review

### Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe PretextMap will index the incoming fasta file, in many cases this file will already be generated and just needs...

update module

## Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe I am running GitPod as an educational tool, and requesting new members join means they join the organisation as...

team: team-experience

### Description of feature There has been a request for a PacBio only run. This is something not currently supported, however, should be simple enough to implement. Related to #115


Write a yaml validator - Checks structure of yaml - Checks paths lead to expected file types - Checks gene_alignment and synteny fields can be resolved

Release 2

### Description of feature Curators have developed some scripts to generate images which cover the whole genome. Would be good if these can be run on request and displayed if...

help wanted

### Description of feature Issue brought up by TreeValGal paper - rightfully so in this case ``` bin/juicer_tools.1.8.9_jcuda.0.8.jar: Java archive data (JAR) bin/telomere.jar: Java archive data (JAR) ```


Would be ideal to use conditionals to run specific subworkflows.

Release 1.1

### Description of feature The size of the revio data is huge, this needs to be split into n = (reads / 10million) files. Mapping and then merge the output.

### Description of feature I've updated most of our NF-Core modules to the new NF-Test standard, about ~18 so far, so I need to do another round of module updates...
