Daniel Li
Daniel Li
Give following error on a freshly cloned repo ``` error in modulated_deformable_im2col_cuda: a PTX JIT compilation failed Traceback (most recent call last): File "test.py", line 255, in example_dconv() File "test.py",...
At line https://github.com/apple/ml-multiple-futures-prediction/blob/402f82d3d4969c51b71ac9a2d63f0ef4818c4462/multiple_futures_prediction/my_utils.py#L51-L52 For here we want to compute P(Y|Z, X) which is a Bivariate Gaussian Distribution, but the loss function does not look like a negative log likelihood of...
The `-np` flag in the test example indicates the number of GPUs the users have. See https://github.com/mit-han-lab/bevfusion/issues/117 for more discussion.
Hi Shashank, I run the `infer-main.ipynb`. By default, it is using INFER-Skip (Top 5) in the KITTI dataset, but the result that I get is ```1s: 2.209328362278883, 2s: 2.9157824738774303, 3s:...
The `requirements.txt` file is broken. Do not use that one to set up your virtual environment. Do this ``` # Create a conda environment first conda create --name pytorch04 #...