We have an issue with membrane where apparently a memory leak with groovy causes some internal classloader hashmap to increase in size over time, causing membrane to eat up all...
**Describe the bug** We tried to relay a RTMP stream via Restreamer that originated from from a professional event. The Event organizers use to stream to a multitude...
# What does this implement/fix? Adding support for the 7.5 inch, Black/White/Red GDEY075Z08 ePaper Display from GoodDisplay ## Types of changes - [ ] Bugfix (non-breaking change which fixes an...
## Description: **Related issue (if applicable):** Documentation for adding the GDEY075Z08 ePaper Display to the waveshare_epaper driver. **Pull request in [esphome]( with YAML changes (if applicable):** This is a hen-and-egg...