Dustin Cox

Results 20 comments of Dustin Cox

npm install @fortawesome/fontawesome-free ![image](https://github.com/venturedrake/laravel-crm/assets/17097992/e69ebc9b-4f20-4514-8ebe-4713d636e7e6) This fixed the issue for me. Maybe this could be an approach to fix the bug

I have worked on a project before where the css was store in the database. The project would used 'state'. State does not always work currently and I found I...

Hello VentureDrake team, just checking in. Does your team want to move forward with me submitting the issue and code ? My lead on the project said if your team...

I cloned this package made my changes and I am unable to push the code. How do I submit this branch to you ?

Hi VentureDrake, team sorry it has be a while. I have been heads down after I found out that I could publish the views. The Limnocity team would like to...

I commented out the protected $encryptable name and I now get this ![image](https://github.com/venturedrake/laravel-crm-starter/assets/17097992/16b51a55-e833-4685-9769-d34cc1db5192) Which is the phone number and I can see why this is encrypted because it is personal...

So I created 4 migrations Each updates the column type from string to text. crm_organisations - name crm_phones - number crm_emails - address crm_address - line1, line2, line3, city, state,...

To fix this issue, I had to add a check to the LaravelCrmInstall.php file ` if ($user = \App\User::where('email', $email)->first()) { $this->info('User already exists, granting crm access...'); $team = null;...

I also had to edit Spatie's HasRole trait function assignRole() to accept a team object. As of now the function only accepts a role but it teams is enabled and...

Part 2 of the teams enabled bug This a user has has rights to view everything, but the nav menu items are not displaying. This is because we have enabled...