@mukeshsoni0912 this error is fixed if you update your project to angular 5
@snapjack not sure it matters but it works for me atm, maybe try it like: icon: "mdi:cctv"
@tenallero can you share your configuration? The updated browser mod is working good? You have browser_mod visible in your sidebar?
@CSchlipp dont know why it is closed but it can be done with CSS. with the `order` property. Dont know how good your element inspect and css skills are but...
Hello @madmicio very nice! How far are you with the scripts and what is not working right now? You got the buttons and you want onclick to start a script...
@CM000n i think the problem is the homekit card it self. This is fixed in last version but if you use HACS do a reinstall because people had problems that...
You have to change 2 parts first `class CustomSmartHomePanelCard extends LitElement {` Rename the class to a new name, so CustomSmartHomePanelCard can be CustomSmartCoversPanelCard or something second `customElements.define('custom-smart-home-panel-card', CustomSmartHomePanelCard);` use...
He man don't know how your lovelace configuration for the card looks like now but if you look at the config of the card i made you can add something...
hard to say. any console errors in browser? or can you share full code and lovelace yaml than i can test it myself?
The problem with the bottemCard is that somehow sometimes the card you wanna load is not yet available or not known as customElement so it cannot set the config it...