Results 5 issues of Dirk

Thanks a lot for creating such a nice module. Something I'm missing a bit when using Terminal-Icons is having a formatted Length output, indicating the size of files and folders...

Modified Terminal-Icons.format.ps1xml to format output of Length property into B|KB|MB|GB respectively. ## Description This adds a formatted Length output for files and directories (including sub-folders). Makes the output slower (though...


1. When importing the module downloaded from the PowerShell Gallery I received an error message pointing to the .psm1 file, therefore I replaced the root folder references (.\) with $PSScriptRoot...

Added type to ProjectUri Parameter Fixed issue with $url based on ProjectUri containing extraneous slash character Changed default value for $Branch parameter to 'main'

Hi Nicholas, thanks a lot for the great module. I've made some changes and hope that you might find them useful: Get-Histogram - Added DefaultDisplayPropertySet (Index,Count,lowerBound,upperBound) - Made function take...